Russ Wege
Adult Faith Connections Bible Study is a Bible study exposition written by pastors, leaders, and scholars to help group members go deeper in God's Word during and after the lesson. Each week, group members will gain a greater understanding of the focus passage, as well as have the opportunity to answer reflective questions to help them take time to consider the message of that week's session.
Each quarter features an in-depth look at a different piece of scripture, with a group discussion facilitated by a church member. Attendees are not required to read the selected scripture and commentary in advance. We also don't require advance registration, commitment to attend, or the purchase of any materials. Your level of involvement is up to you!
Adult Bible study meetings are Sunday mornings at 9:00, lasting about 30 minutes, before becoming our informal fellowship time before church. Please plan to join us to deepen your knowledge of the Word.
During this quarter we will examine Isaiah’s message of warning and hope. We will also look at five stories of people whose lives were changed when they encountered the transforming power and presence of Jesus.
Unit 1: Isaiah: A Message of Warning and Hope
The book of Isaiah contains a message of warning and judgment, but also a message of hope and redemption. During this unit, we will see how this prophet’s overall message points to the salvation that Jesus brings for those who walk the path of faith.
12/01/2024 Hope for a Changing World (Isaiah 2:1-5; 9:17)
12/08/2024 The Spirit’s Anointed (Isaiah 11:1-10; 61:1-3)
12/15/2024 The Way of Life (Isaiah 26:3-9; 35:1-10)
12/22/2024 The Comforter Has Come (Isaiah 40:1-11, 27-31)
12/29/2024 I Am Doing a New Thing (Isaiah 43:1-5, 11-21)
1/05/2025 The Saving Work of the Suffering Servant (Isaiah 52:13—53:12)
1/12/2025 The Lord’s Invitation (Isaiah 55:1-13)
1/19/2025 The Glory of God’s Presence (Isaiah 60:1-6, 15-22)
Unit 2: Life-Changing Encounters with Jesus
We will look at five stories in the Gospel of John of people whose lives were changed when they encountered the transforming power and presence of Jesus, the Messiah.
1/26/2025 Signs Pointing to God’s Presence (John 2:1-11)
2/02/2025 A Nighttime Encounter with Jesus (John 3:1-18)
2/09/2025 The Life Changed at the Well (John 4:7-26, 28-29)
2/16/2025 The Healing of the Official’s Son (John 4:43-54)
2/23/2025 Offer What You Have (John 6:1-14)